Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Of mice and men

Girl Monkey is doing a project at school. Together with a class from another school they are producing a book based on a Polish story entitled "The king who was eaten by mice". So as a creative mum I was pulled into school today to help create an army of little mice with little capes for the photographs in the book, so sweet. 

I can't believe it is nearly the end of January and we are still baking ginger bread houses. This was a really wonderful kit though, a present from our neighbours. All natural materials and fabulous packaging. I hate to say that the result wasn't worth a picture but the monkeys had a lot of fun decorating the house. They used the box as a base and plastered it with a lot of icing sugar, smarties and sprinkles.

My excitement for today was that I signed up for Elsie Marley's mobile swap. I can't wait to start. Mobiles are good fun to make and I already have got some idea of what I'd like to do. 

January is usually a really drab month. It is usually such an anti-climax from all the fun and when my first party of the year got cancelled early on I was a little sad but guess what the month couldn't have gone better otherwise. Since Mr Betsy got me a car it seems my life is getting better and more exciting by the day. I'll be going round reclamation yards tomorrow to see if I can get some nice pieces of furniture, then of to the hairdresser's and I am ready to party again! Until soon...

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