Saturday 11 October 2008

Family Fun Day

FLYlady always send me a reminder that Saturday is family fun day. Now for  a while that hasn't really applied to my family due to Mr Betsy's commitments elsewhere but I have decided to make a stand against that and make sure that the monkeys deserve a family fun day and we certainly did today. 

After the usual ballet lessons and toast in the local cafe we made a collection box for the school's box tops for books.

We then took the bus (sitting upstairs of course) to the city centre and went to our all time favourite Urbis for the Buy Art Fair. The gallerists were so good with the monkeys, giving them postcards, pointing out animals in works, making them find details and handing out the occasional sweet. It was just so lovely, I love the attitude of the down to earth Northerners. A fair to visit again (and possibly acquire a work!). 
One of my favourite artists was Amy Russell. A fabulous work entitled I was never glamorous was so cool, sadly it had a red dot on it. Another one called The fifteen year hangover showing a couple in a bed was also very clever. As is this one :

After we got back from the art fair with lots of inspiration, we used the left over paints and materials from yesterday's art class and the monkeys created some gorgeous works. 

I particularly like girl monkey's natural collage with felt, so Joseph Beuys! 

And after all this creativity, girl monkey even managed to paint her little bird house that she chose as a treat today. (Guess what boy monkey chose : a bag of halloween lollipops, oh dear...). 

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