Friday 4 July 2008

Frames galore

Oh dear, one of the things on my list did not get done today: going to the gym. I had booked boy monkey into the creche at the gym which he absolutely loves but instead we spent most of the day in the park. And yes this was a more sensible thing to do on such a lovely day but I do need to try and stay fit as well. After trying to find someone who would like to take a collection of 19th Century prints of my hands and a framer to frame girl monkey's art work done with Sam Francis's brushes we went to the park and kept on bumping into friends so we didn't leave until it was time for dinner. A lovely day indeed even though I forgot to go (or cancel!) the gym. Oh yes and I needed to find a frame for this wall hanging too....

I'd like this to go above our bed as it is painted in distressed grey-green. It is one of those curly carved 19th Century copies of a 17th Century one and though it is a small bed I really love it. It just looks fab with crisp white bedding. Though I still can't bring myself to iron the sheets, one day when I do have enough hours in the day I might.
After watching The Kite Runner (I am too emotional to say anything about this movie) I started browsing Stitched Textile Collage by Lucille Toumi. For years I have been collecting scraps of material, I can't bring myself to throw any of them away as I know I will use them in one project or another. I really enjoy seeing a work grow when I ad more and more random bits of fabric, often found on the floor. I have found Janet Bolton's work particularly inspiring but it was interesting to see how Lucille approached her work. There is a fabulous collage of a cow in the book. I just love farm animals, especially pigs. I can see myself living on a farm, with lots of animals. Chicken walking around my feet, dogs and cats running around, working in my studio overlooking the barns... alas this is not the ideal of life of Mr Betsy who still prefers noisy towns. I am working on this, meanwhile I keep on dreaming....

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