Monday 7 July 2008

Busy Betsy has a technical problem

Yesterday wasn't good for crafts, nor the day before. I was hired as a private chauffeur for the monkeys, they had various parties, drama classes, ballet classes, etc to go to. On top of that girl monkey ended up in the emergency department as she had a little accident. 
Someone once said to me that if she didn't make at least one craft item a day she didn't feel like she achieved something. I kind of liked that thought and have tried to live by this since but it went a bit pear shaped this weekend. 
So today a new day, that started with a ballet exam for girl monkey (and I was hoping to include a nice picture here but blogger does not upload any photos at the moment) and I spent the rest of the day sorting out my photos on my computer. About 2 weeks ago I had to download a program to scan images for my dad's book and in the process lost about 2,500 images. They have since been recovered (thank goodness!) but I could not do anything with them. The computer store sorted this out today but I have now lost all my images from last week, help I will never get this Etsy shop up and running!
Tomorrow another day and boy do I need to produce.... 

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