Saturday, 7 November 2009

Feeling all "Martha" today!

Years ago in my student house in Leiden we had an exchange student from America for a couple of months at the end of the year. She was a lovely girl with the sweetest mother who sent her parcels from the US all the time, as she really missed her favourite food from home. This way we were introduced to Marshmallow Fluff, Reece's peanutbutter cups and Oreo's. We really missed these too after she left, thankfully it wasn't long before the first American Store was opened in Amsterdam where we could not only buy these but a slice of real New York Pizza too!

However what did make an impact on me for the rest of my life was the celebrations of Halloween and Thanksgiving. We celebrated Halloween long before anyone had heard of it here and were delighted with our little pumpkin baskets full of sweets. Jennifer's mother had sent over boxes of decorations and food, including a turkey. She explained to us what we should eat on Halloween, that we should keep the pumpkin flesh to make puree to freeze for the Thanksgiving pie and told us what to do with the turkey.
We had a very memorable, scrumptious meal and every year before Halloween I will think of that wonderful time we had in this bubbly student house. I know we all complain about the commercial side of Halloween but that celebration we had just with friends, be it with some plastic goodies and tat, I will never forget. Sadly I cannot remember her surname, I would love to tell her that I have never forgotten her stay.

Today we made our own pumpkin food : pumpkin soup with melted cheese, pumpkin and apple crumble and pumpkin puree (probably going to be used in a cheesecake). Girl monkey said that the pumpkin and apple crumble (a Nigella recipe) was the best thing she'd ever eaten.
I feel I have released my inner Martha again, spending all afternoon in the kitchen. It feels like I am the happy housewife, clothing protected by a gingham apron, smiling from the pages of one of her magazines!

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