Wednesday, 30 December 2009

T-Rex tooth found!

It has been another lovely and memorable Christmas again.

Girl monkey said to me a few weeks ago that she really didn't want as many presents as last year as she spent too much time unwrapping and she'd rather have fun with friends & family. Wise words from a seven year old.....

Invariably the monkeys get given a present that is meant for an older age group which not only means they can't really play with it (often involving some chemical reaction) but also that they need parental guidance. Not wanting to sound ungrateful but for those with children you will know that it is rather helpful to get something they can occupy themselves with whilst you are cooking dinner, doing admin or making that all important phone call. This year boy monkey (five and a HALF) was given a lovely kit suitable for children 8+, lovingly chosen by male friend who has two little girls. Having opened the packet and delayed the process for about 24 hours I can now see why he had such a big grin on his face when he handed over the present. It is the best "parental guidance needed" present ever! In the package was a t-rex excavation kit. Initially I was worried that it would be very messy and dusty but I really do not care about the mess anymore. Boy monkey started of with his chisel but quickly swapped it for the brush and left me to do the hard work.

In the course of the day I have unearthed some bones and brush in hand I have unleashed my inner paleontologist. This is not something the little ones can do whilst I am preparing dinner but something I keep being drawn to whilst stirring the pots. I love it!

I have been productive on another level as well though today. BB2 and myself have been working on the summer collection of beaded jewellery (soon available online at and a range of soft furnishings.

As I am writing this the time on my clock turns to 00.00 and I cannot believe that in 24 hours time a new year begins. A lot of changes have taken place in 2009 and more are to come in 2010 but going with the flow certainly eases the nerves and as BB2's mum said today : "I believe in chilling out", I think that is a good motto to have.

Wishing all my readers a happy, healthy and creative 2010! XX

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Let it snow

These last few weeks I had to plan hour by hour and with only 5 days to go until Christmas I think I might have to book in some half hour slots. I was hoping to relax now that the monkeys are off school and Busy Betsy had the last craft event of the year yesterday but I don't think it will happen. I am banking on next year's Christmas time being an easy one.

I did enjoy the snow though today. Boy monkey wasn't all that impressed with the wet flakes on his face but the ladies had a lovely time pulling the sledge around South Manchester.

When things will slow down a little I will try and be a good blogger again and catch up on all the nice things I wanted to share. I have promised some mentions here and there and will get to these soon.

Meanwhile should I not get to you in the next few days I would like to wish you all a happy holiday season!