Monday, 27 May 2013

Queen of the Jungle

Yep that is how I felt this weekend, Queen of the Jungle, and not in a good way.
I failed to go to my allotment for a good week and it wasn't good news. This I hasten to add was not deliberately, as a matter of fact I wish I could go everyday.

Anyway this is how I found the garden: weeds up to my knees. OK, the potatoes were looking alright, and after weeding even better. Same thing with the onions and the beetroot (from seed) is coming up nicely. I had an issue though identifying the beet spinach in between the small weeds. Sadly I don't recognise all weeds yet and really not sure what beet spinach seedlings look like.

Recently I gained another half plot and slowly I am getting to grips with that one. I am pleased that I managed to clear one bed, as shortly I need to have space for 90 plug plants, courtesy of Grow Your Own Magazine. Both the plug plants and the subscription should keep me on my toes! 

Excuse the blue plastic edging but they were lying around the plot & I needed something to identify this patch, but after 8 hours of digging I am pleased with the result, looking miles better from the rest and the areas big enough to house the plug plants. 

Boy Monkey's plot needed a bit of love as well.  After 10 days of neglect it was difficult to spot the rows of carrot and mini leek seedlings but we managed to clear it up and we're very excited that they are all coming up. 

Mini Betsy discovered that the birds pulled out the garlic so she planted them again & made a bed for parsley seeds. She's very excited, I just hope some things will come up! 

Back home I started hardening of the beet root, Brussels sprouts and courgette seedlings but they are not doing brilliantly. I think little hands may have over watered them so let's see what happens. It is all a learning curve!