It is hard to believe that my last blog post was before the summer. An awful lot has happened and I have valid reasons for not having posted. Busy Betsy has been very busy with several big projects but all has calmed down and after a fabulous Halloween and Bonfire party I am now getting ready for Christmas. There will be a Busy Betsy Christmas Party soon and for that I really want the house ready. I think this year might be a red, white and blue Christmas. A little trip to Ikea last week helped me in getting some decorations for the theme!
Even though I have concentrated on several projects I have not sat still around the house and have put some layers of paint on several items and walls here and there. In the last few days I have been working on getting the dining room ready and have finally painted an old wooden towel rack that I picked up in a Liverpool furniture dump some time ago. I shall be posting some pictures soon but just wanted to let all you lovely followers know that all is well in the Busy Betsy household!